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Why You Need to Clean Your Phone: Especially Now with CoronaVirus Pandemic

Writer: Patrick Van NegriPatrick Van Negri

Have you ever thought of sanitizing your phone? I bet that it never crossed your mind for at least 85% of you.

how to sanitize your phone and devices during coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

I planned on writing about this topic quite a while ago. It is such a thing that is not talked about as much as it deserves. Now with the COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, I felt the urge to get it done because now it is crucial more than ever.

Think of your phone as your 3rd hand that you never wash! A hand that becomes dangerous.


phone hygiene 18 times more bacteria than public restrom

Just think about all the places your phone goes and your hands as well. Many of us do not think about it at all, or not enough. Nowadays, our phones are literally going with us everywhere and are always in our hands reach, becoming our 3rd hand. That exposes your phone to so much bacteria, germs, dirt, and much other bad stuff, including viruses in these crazy times. I mean, they already found E-Coli, Streptococcus, and MRSA on phones. It is 18x dirtier than your toilet!!!

Did you know that Coronavirus can survive on surfaces up to 9 days? I hope that wakes you up. I know you wash your hands, but do you "wash" your phone too?


According to Apple, "using a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, you may gently wipe the exterior surfaces of your iPhone. Don't use bleach. Avoid getting moisture in any openings, and don't submerge your iPhone in any cleaning agents."

That applies to other phones as well. You can make your own with putting half of 70% isopropyl alcohol and half distilled water in a spray bottle and wipe it with a microfiber cloth as usual. Just give it a good shake and be gentle and careful with spraying on your device.

how to clean your phone

Another great solution that I know, and if you want to take it next level, is PhoneSoap.

I saw them watching Shark Tank, and I was like "Hallelujah!". It kills 99.9% of germs, cold & flu viruses. You just put it in the case, and the UV does the job.

phonesoap kills germs bacteria coronavirus


Take note that this goes beyond your phone. Think about other surfaces, items, gadgets you touch & use frequently. Have you ever sanitized or even just cleaned your computer mouse, keyboard, doorknobs, toilet seats, remote controls, light switches, and chairs? I know. Here are the instructions on how to clean other devices you frequently use:

And I hope you know how to clean a toilet or a doorknob, or even wash your hands correctly, right?

So get up and do it right now, but before you do that:

SHARE this with your friends who need to hear this and/or is dirty 😜

Stay clean & healthy, my friends!

How to clean viruses and bactera from your phone


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